Revitalizing Indian Identity through Education: The Role of Post-2014 Initiatives and the Importance of National Pride

India is a land of unparalleled diversity, with a rich history and culture that spans thousands of years. From the majestic Himalayas in the north to the tropical beaches of the south, from the bustling cities to the tranquil villages, India is a country that defies easy categorization. However, when viewed through the lens of the Western world, India is often reduced to a monolithic stereotype – a land of snake charmers, spicy food, and poverty.


The limited understanding of India that is often portrayed in the media and in popular culture is the result of a complex interplay between various factors, including history, colonialism, and the media itself. This is similar to the story of the blind men describing an elephant, in which each person’s perspective is limited by their own experiences and biases, and as a result, they are unable to see the full picture. The history of India, shaped by centuries of invasions, colonization, and cultural exchange, has resulted in a diverse and multifaceted society that cannot be fully understood through a single lens. Furthermore, the media’s tendency to focus on certain aspects of India, while ignoring others, further perpetuates this limited understanding. It is essential to keep in mind that to truly understand the complexities of India, one must strive to consider multiple perspectives, rather than relying on stereotypes and preconceived notions.

In the past, European explorers and traders viewed India through the lens of trade and conquest. They saw India as a source of valuable goods such as spices, textiles, and precious metals, and their interactions with the country were primarily driven by economic motives. As a result, their understanding of India was narrow and superficial.The British colonization of India in the 18th and 19th centuries further solidified this limited view of the country. The British portrayed India as a “primitive” and “backward” land in need of “civilizing”, and this portrayal was perpetuated through literature, art, and other forms of media.

Even today, the Western media often perpetuates stereotypes of India as a land of extreme poverty, spiritual mysticism, and cultural exoticism. While these elements certainly do exist in India, they are only a small part of the complex and dynamic reality of the country.It’s important to note that India is not a monolithic entity, it has a rich and diverse culture, history, and society with various languages, religions, customs, and traditions. The country has a population of over 1.4 billion people, and it is not possible to understand or describe it through a single lens.


English education played a significant role in shaping the way Indians viewed themselves and their country. The education system, which was introduced by the British during their colonization of India, was designed to create a class of educated Indians who would serve as intermediaries between the British rulers and the rest of the population.

This education system emphasized the study of Western literature, history, and philosophy, while downplaying the importance of Indian culture and history. As a result, many educated Indians began to view their own culture and history as inferior to that of the West. They internalized the stereotypes and prejudices that the British had imposed on them, and began to view themselves through the lens of the colonizer.

This process of “cultural alienation” had a profound impact on the way Indians viewed themselves and their country. Many educated Indians began to see themselves as “brown Englishmen” and looked down upon their own culture, customs, and traditions. This led to a loss of self-esteem and a sense of inferiority among many Indians.It’s important to note that this process of cultural alienation was not limited to the educated elite, but also affected the broader population, as the education system was not widely accessible to the majority of Indians.


Post-2014 India has focused on empowering Indian culture, history and traditions through its education system. The government introduced initiatives such as the New Education Policy (NEP) that promotes the integration of indigenous knowledge systems, mother-tongue education, and Indian languages and literature. Additionally, vocational education and skill development have been emphasized with the introduction of schemes and programs that prepare young people for the workforce. Research and innovation in education have also been promoted through the Atal Innovation Mission. Additionally, the government has made efforts to improve the quality of education and to provide equal access to education for all, especially for marginalized communities. These changes have helped in promoting Indian culture, history, and philosophy in education and in making proud Indians.

Being a proud Indian means having a deep appreciation and admiration for the country’s diverse and rich culture, history, and traditions, and actively working towards making India a better place for all its citizens. It means recognizing and valuing the contributions of the many different communities that make up the country, and embracing and celebrating the diversity and unity of the country. It also includes participating in the democratic process, being informed and active citizens and treating all citizens with respect and kindness.

Finally, it is important for any country to have an education system that reflects its own culture, values, and traditions. By moving away from a foreign education policy and implementing native education policies, India can ensure that its education system is truly reflective of its own culture and values. This can be done by incorporating traditional knowledge systems, Indian languages, and literature in the curriculum, promoting research and innovation in fields specific to India’s needs, and encouraging the use of local resources in education. By valuing and promoting its own culture in the education system, India can foster a sense of national pride and identity among its citizens, which is essential for the development and progress of the country. Additionally, it will also help students to understand and appreciate their own culture and tradition and will help in building a sense of belonging among them.

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